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Exploratory Security Testing

Exploratory security testing is a proactive approach to testing software applications for vulnerabilities and security risks. It involves simulating different types of attacks using a variety of tools and techniques to identify potential security flaws.

This method of testing is conducted without a predefined test plan or test cases, allowing testers to think creatively and try out different scenarios. It can help to identify security risks that may be missed by traditional testing methods, such as unit testing and integration testing.

Exploratory security testing can also uncover security risks introduced by changes to the application over time through periodic testing. Techniques such as fuzz testing, penetration testing, and vulnerability scanning can be used to simulate attacks and identify vulnerabilities.

Overall, exploratory security testing is a vital part of software development. It helps ensure that the application is secure and free from vulnerabilities. By conducting exploratory security testing, organizations can proactively identify and address potential security risks before they are exploited by attackers.

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Exploratory Security Testing Objectives (1)